Hitting the "Board Info" option leaves me with BN: unknown VID: 1A SN: Upload any sketch to obtain it. I've followed the instructions here on this thread, but when I try to find the controller-board in the Arduino IDE - program, I just can't find anything usable. I've been searching high snd low, in order to find a usefull CNC-program to act between my mill and my linux-computer, but all I could find either didn't work or required a com port as interface. 3.4", and it came with drivers and software to windows only. It's the cheapest availble from E-bay, and the mainboard is named "Woodpecker CNC Camxtool v. I've just bought and build my CNC milling machine. Hopefully This instructables was helpful and your cnc machine is up and running! If something is wrong/missing feel free to point it out in the comments. When you have edited the config file you need to reupload the sketch to your board. The file has instructions and should be pretty straight forward to edit. You find the config file in the arduino library folder for grbl. Some settings (like corexy setup,variable spindle) needs to be changed trough the config.h. Make sure that your setting has been saved by typing $$ and checking the values. For example: typing $112=600 changes the z max rate to 600.

To change a setting, type the identifier of the parameter (for example $100 for x steps) "=" and then the new value. Steps/mm needs to be calculated and the easiest way of doing it is by using prusas reprap calulator. The most important part to change is the steps/mm. Type "$$" and a list of commands should appear, like this: You should see a message like this "Grbl x.xj " if you dont see the message, make sure that your are connected to the correct port and use the baudrate of 115200. To communicate with your board you need to open the arduino ide serial monitor. Now with firmware on your board you need to adapt grbl to your specific machine.